The DeLier Group

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Home > What Price Success?

What Price Success?

Published: 03/26/12

To the radio stations that accepted paid or unpaid schedules from Media Matters attacking Rush Limbaugh, his show, and free speech, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Why are you working in an industry that has respected free speech, built its success on the freedom of speech and clearly must protect that right to maintain credibility, acceptance, and pride? Why? Those broadcasters who built, and maintain this industry over the course of their careers I am sure are appalled.

Obviously, we are living in a very polarized and contentious period in broadcasting and our lives. It seems the assaults keep coming. The placing and acceptance of this type schedule are very reflective of this division. If your station accepted this schedule because of a financial need, you should find another industry where you can responsibly handle revenue growth. If you are a station or group that accepted this schedule out of ideology, then you too should find another industry where you are not encumbered with the responsibility and respect for free speech. Ever heard of serving in the interest, necessity, and needs of a community? Ever heard of that? Ever heard of community ascertainments? Ever heard of equal and opposing views? I think not, or if you have…you regard them lightly!

To be used for a political agenda is not only insulting, is not only foolish, it is weak!!!! Our industry has come under assault before, especially from the left who see what a majority of listeners want to listen to as not their right. Amazing, huh? Well, let me ask you this question, what will your response be when the assault comes your way?

– Mike DeLier has owned and operated a group of radio properties and managed television properties at the station and group levels. He currently is the President of The DeLier Group, a management consulting firm. Mike is also available for speeches, seminars, executive management and sales training. Mike can be reached at